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Social Networking Strategy for Business – Wednesday 1st June, 2011 – 90 minutes, starting 10am (registration 9.30am)

Social Networking Strategy for Business – Melbourne. Weds 1st June Melb Bowls Club, Cnr William & Dudley Sts (within Flagstaff Gardens). Our Qld event was a huge success. Don’t miss it in Melbourne

Here is a preview of the event (Or you can watch on YouTube)

Presenter: Social Networking “Guru” Bruce Rasmussen. In one hour you will gain a broad insight into the Social Media opportunity to benefit your business and career.

Where: City of Melbourne Bowls Club, within the Flagstaff Gardens, Cnr William & Dudley Sts

When: Wednesday 1st June, 2011 – Arrive 9.30am for a 10am start

Parking: Metered parking in William Street (towards Victoria St) also in adjacent streets and at the Queen Victoria Market Carpart (cnr Queen & Franklin Sts.)

Includes: Light refreshments

Price: $22 per person / or Group Price $55 for 4 persons / or Group Price $110 for ten persons.

To register call (03) 9320 0000 or email or complete the form below and fax to (03) 9320 0050